热烈祝贺 青苗昆明校区十二年级 Candy同学时隔两周继续 收获西澳大利亚大学录取通知 Congratulations BIBS Kunming, Grade 12 Candy Get major from University of Western Australia | Swipe left for English | 西澳大利亚大学 2023 U.S.News世界大学排名第83位 2023 QS世界大学排名第90位 西澳大利亚大学,简称西澳大学。始建于1911年,坐落于澳大利亚西澳大利亚州首府珀斯,是著名研究型大学,澳大利亚最具历史、代表性和实力的研究型大学之一。同时,西澳大学也是澳大利亚八校联盟、全球大学高研院联盟、昴宿星大学联盟、英联邦大学协会成员。西澳大学强调科研和教育,截止目前已经培养了100多名罗兹学术奖得主和诺贝尔奖得主。此次两位青苗昆明学子斩获的都是商业学位。 University of Western Australia 2023 U.S. News ranks 83th in the world University Rankings. The 90th in the QS World University Rankings by 2023. The University of Western Australia, Founded in 1911, it is located in Perth, the capital of Western Australia, Australia. It is a famous research university and one of the most historical, representative and powerful research universities in Australia. At the same time, the University of Western Australia is a member of the Australian League of Eight Universities, the Global Alliance of Universities, the Pleiades Alliance of Universities, and the Association of Commonwealth Universities. The University of Western Australia emphasizes research and education, and has so far produced more than 100 Rhodes Scholar and Nobel Prize winners. Both of the BIBS Kunming students earned degrees in business. | Swipe left for English | 在录取中除了升学指导老师的引导,还有一个重要的组成部分,也是申请名校的加持器,那就是参与国际竞赛。国际竞赛不止能在学生升学时起到一臂之力,对于学生自身的发展、视野的开拓等各方面的成长也有很大的帮助!在青苗昆明校区,我们也为学生提供了丰富多元的竞赛选择,在确定好自己未来升学的方向后选择适合自己竞赛,积极参与,让梦想照进现实。 In addition to the guidance of the college advisor, there is also an important part of admission, which is to participate in international competitions. International competitions can not only play a helping hand in students' college entrance, but also help students' own development, broaden their horizons and other aspects of growth. In BIBS Kunming, we also provide students with a variety of competition options. After determining the direction of their future study, they can choose their own competitions and actively participate in them, so as to make their dreams come true. | Swipe left for English | 数理化生类竞赛 英国数学测评 美国数学测评 英国物理测评 “物理杯”美国高中物理测评 加拿大化学测评 英国生物测评 STEAM Senior Mathematical Challenge American Mathematical Competition British Physics Olympiad Physics Bowl Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad British Biology Olympiad | Swipe left for English | 社科综合类竞赛 联合国难民署官方模联 Humanlity MUN Refugee Challenge | Swipe left for English | 英语测评类竞赛 托福青少测试 盒马英语奥林匹克 SPBCN拼词大会 English Assessment TOEFL Primary/ TOEFL Junior Hippo English Olympiad SPBCN Spelling Bee | Swipe left for English | 经济商科类竞赛 中学生投资学术活动 商业区全能学术活动 全美经济学挑战 Business& Economics Student Inestment Challenge Business Professionals of America National Economics Challenge | Swipe left for English | 通识学术类竞赛 学术五项全能研习社USAP 经典模式 学术五项全能研习社USAP 研习模式 Comprehensive Academic USAP- Classic Track USAP- Research Track | Swipe left for English | 再次祝贺她们 也愿她们带着全球视野 收获属于自己的每一份荣耀 Once again, congratulations to them. May glory and global vision accompany them to achieve their personal best. | Swipe left for English | |